Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year~~

I came across something today that I would like to share.

Revelation 21:1
NOw I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.. And i heard a loud voice from the throne saying " now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with them"

Today you celebrate the beginning of a new year. One day you will celebrate the beginning of a new world. How certain are you that you will be in the new world one day? Hopefully all of us will grab this opportunity while it's still available, to repent of our sins, receive The Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and saviour. What a priceless privilege..

A new year had arrived and looking back the passed year, what major deeds have I accomplished? What are the regrets? I'll keep this to myself and should begin setting my resolutions soon.
hopefully i can stay strong with Lord's strength and may everything to be done in His glory. Also, I am thankful for what I've now. Thank you ,Lord , for giving me such experiences on what I'm doing, or where ever I am , thank you, for providing me unfailing love and undeserved blessings.

Happy new year to all~

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