Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Life is like a brief candle

So teach us to number our days,That we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12

No one will successfully stop time and "rewind" the past.. Incredible scenes in " the heroes " kept us pondered whether this would be possible in the future.. There's so many things to be done, the lists go on and on, and we only have a lifetime to do them. A lifetime sounds never-ending, but soon, everything is going to terminate.

The older you get, the more you'll feel that life is like a brief candle, I like the analogy of describing life as toilet roll, the more it rolls out, the faster it is to complete a cycle (a year, in this case).
Since, you only have the one and only one chance to live on earth, why don't we live it to the fullest?

I've been slacking for the past weeks, doing merely nothing except for the basis of human needs, sleep , eat and entertainment. But, I could have spend the holidays wisely eh? It's always easier to say than to do it in action, and I failed doing that again.. I should have chose a better way of spending my holidays, I should have get organized with plans, ................etc.............

Too many things, we couldn't accomplish it all unfortunately, so, I've learnt to choose, make priorities over another, know what should be done, and what not (entertainment) and put a balance line in between. And the most important one, is to have a strong determination and be Focus!

Everyone ought to make new year resolutions, but do they really help? Well, I made some last year, and thank God for the consistency, I managed to do it.. Hopefully you all can head towards your goal,
Happy New Year!

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