Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter

Today's sunday service is all about Jesus's resurrection.. Jesus is borned again, indeed!

Didn't know MCAC has a baptism on this Easter Service. So , basically today it's mostly about sharing and conviction of faith of fellow young brothers and sisters at church. Yes, you could get baptized- full immersion in water when you trust in the Lord, and want to shine as child of God for the rest of your life, and want to be reborned in Christ.
" Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come! " 2 Corin. 5:17

Baptism is not necessarily equivalent to - be saved. But it's a gateway to be saved. I felt peacefulness at heart when listening to some of their profession of faith... many questions are lingering into my brain now.........

Erm.. FYI, i got placed into a Jewish General Hospital this summer for internship, it wasn't any of my 4 choices, ( guess the "popular hospitals" have no more vacancies) unfortunately. I prayed hard not to be sent to any Jewish Hospitals as there are often issues.... However, I will try my best in everything. Complain nor mourn not, for God has a plan for me!


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